Enhanced Finishing Solution for metal 3D printed components
Additive Manufacturing
There is extreme interest revolving around Additive Manufacturing. Fully functioning cars were produced using Additive Manufacturing techniques during the 2016 IMTS Show in Chicago – demonstrating the process benefits of the AM Technology.
Additive manufacturing (known also under DLMS; SLM; AM, ALM, 3D Printing) is a process of building parts and components layer by layer, connecting powder particles via an energy source. (more…)

Extrude Hone Among Exhibitors at IMTS Chicago
Monday, September 12th kicks off the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) in Chicago, Illinois. IMTS is one of the largest industrial trade shows in the world, featuring more than 2,000 exhibiting companies and 114,147 registrants. This year, Extrude Hone is proud to be one of those exhibiting companies. (more…)